Diversified Changes
Elegance Until Eternity
As the beauty economy and the self-pleasing economy continue to grow, “become younger through beauty industry” has become a trend. Faced with consumption upgrading, clientele iteration and changes in women consumer psycholog, how to make beauty clubs grasp the market, so as to promote actual transformation rate has become a key issue when exploring the design of beauty industry spaces.
纵观当下设计市场,场所体验、空间美学、氛围感、沉浸式、艺术化 诸如此类热词,总是占
Throughout the current design market, such hot words like venue experience, space aesthetics, atmosphere, immersion-style, and artistry always dominate the industry’s cognition. However, what’s the underlying logic behind them?
In the design of Glass Palace Spa, MOSOM DESIGN with a focus on researching “new aesthetic power” has emerged from design itself. It centers on spatial aesthetics and scenario emotions & brand operation under the strategic thinking of “space is brand, scene is marketing”, with efforts made to create a complex quality space that unifies aesthetics, emotional value and commercial integration. As it said, “diversified changes, elegance until eternity. In this case, it not only designs a store, but to break away from the single style constraint. Amid the construction of a true “brand marketing venue”, work is done to achieve the potential effect of promotion without sales by the guidance and resonance of immersion-style spatial emotions.

Trees Under The Moon Atmosphere Extension
空间氛围感, 链接精神共鸣, 触及用户情绪锚点,

“比起对美学的探讨,美业空间设计有着更明确的本质和目的 —— 盈利。体验经济的消费逻辑下,「目的性消费」已变化为「惊喜式体验」,氛围造景成为传递品牌内涵的生动方式。”漫步于此,月下树景、侘寂枯木、苍翠苔藓,绘写为幽静诗意的东方画面。对于商业转化而言,这是一种融于景寄于情的言说,是一种无形的品牌吸引力。
experience economy, purpose-centered consumption has turned into surprise-style experience, while atmospheric landscaping has become a vivid way to express brand connotation.” Roaming here, the moonlit tree, wabi-sabi dead wood and green moss paint a tranquil and poetic picture of the East. For commercial transformation, this is the way to convey emotions via scenes and an invisible brand appeal.

The leisure area is exquisitely designed to meet the high standards of function, taste, aesthetics and spirit of targeted clients. The appropriate oriental charm, combined with soft light and delicate, textured dark brown wood, make the room elegant, comfortable and tranquil.

Pave the way from the surface to the context. For MOSOM DESIGN, this specific venue atmosphere not only brings the relaxation, healing and spiritual enjoyment that consumers desire, but also gains the popularity behind it and achieve actual economic transformation in the process of building loyalty with the clients.

As the designer said, "The kind of scene the space becomes depends on the kind of experience to be created for the clients. We expect that this location will be able to truly address people's unique emotional needs rather than simply be an outward display of excessive luxury. This is the key to increase intimacy and keep the stickiness of the beauty industry brand.”

这一逻辑下,突破固有的条条框框,以情绪的预设,推导空间的形式、节奏的递进、一隅一景的美,成为了设计师最大的考量。这般空间画面正如《阴翳礼赞》中所描绘的那样,“在暗淡含蓄的阴翳之下, 一切都被笼罩在柔和的温情之中 滋生出‘ 万物皆有神灵’ 的美感。” 真可
Breaking through the fixed rules with this logic, to deduce the form of space, the progression of rhythm and the beauty of each scene with emotional preset has become the designer’s greatest
consideration. The spatial scene is just as described in In Praise of Shadows, “under the dark and subtle shadows, everything is enveloped in a gentle warmth. A sense of “all things are divine” is born. It’s truly leisurely interest that is difficult to describe.”

“At the same time, we firmly believe that in shaping a good space, space will also shape the person. During the process, the purpose we hidden in the design is to stimulate the psychological change of each customer who enters it, linking the consumer behaviour in the midst of touching atmosphere and the perception.”

Refining life with art

"To become beautiful and younger via maintenance is just the surface of the beauty club. Going back inwards, its essence comes from the pursuit of a healthy and advanced lifestyle." Here, both the contemporary oriental mood and the material expressions refined in detail are designed to create a quality life that matches the clients’. Beneath this, the meaning of art is to break through the surface to form a resonance born of life.

Faced with the grille, textured wall and soft light, people will be instantly wrapped up in the sense of comfort and ease released by the Spa space. " In the creation of lifestyles, experience and feeling as the non-negligible force are always influencing people’s decisions and striking at the heart."

What you see are floating layers of light and shadow, what you feel are softness and relaxation, and what you smell is the aroma of essential oils wafting from nose. In the creation of the environment, all the design strive to mobilize visitor’s senses and deliver immersive experience, in a way with infinite sense of intimacy.

Lying on a comfortable bed, one's body will relax as much as possible. A simple, elegantly coloured art print hangs on the wall, making the ensuing image simple and advanced.

In the hustle and bustle of the city, this place is like an island where life is at rest. It’s such simple and elegant objects like carbon grey walls, dark brown woods and waving candlelight that convey the true state of life and make people mentally relaxing.

In the hazy and dim environment, a flowing sense of time will be radiated by the shimmering candlelight and sculpted crystals, when following the gorgeous glazed light and shadow. Therefore, an artistic mood is created and emotions evoked.