导语:葡萄酒的世界里从来都不缺名人,他们用自己的亲身经历为我们留下了不少与葡萄酒有关的名言佳句。这些句子中有没有哪一句触动了你的心弦呢? (来源:红酒世界网)
1、语言就像是唇边的美酒。——英国著名作家弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫(Virginia Wolf)
“Language is wine upon the lips。”- Virginia Wolf
2、美酒就像是阳光,与水同在。——天文学家伽利略(Galileo Galilei)
“Wine is sunlight, held together by water。” - Galileo Galilei
3、美酒如音乐,打破空杯的沉寂。——英国音乐制作者罗伯特·弗里普(Ropert Fripp)
“Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence。” - Ropert Fripp
4、上帝造水,而人类造酒。——法国知名作家雨果(Victor Hugo)
“God made only water, but man made wine。” - Victor Hugo
“Wine is the divine juice of September。” - Voltaire
“In water one sees one‘s own face; But in wine one beholds the heart of another。” - French Proverb
“Where there is no wine there is no love。” - Euripides
8、酒中见真理。——古罗马作家老普林尼(Pliny the Elder)
“In wine there‘s truth。” - Pliny the Elder
9、一瓶酒所蕴含的哲理,胜于所有书籍。——法国生物学家路易斯·巴斯德( Louis Pasteur)
“A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world。” - Louis Pasteur
“Wine fills the heart with courage。” - Plato(文/Jenna)