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2015-01-11 22:49:00 来源:新浪时尚 收藏本文

  1月8日,在北京故宫博物院举办的美国大都会博物馆2015年服装艺术部春季特展“中国:镜花水月”发布会后,新浪时尚专访了大都会艺术博物馆服装艺术部策展人Andrew Bolton 先生、《Vogue》美国版主编Anna Wintour女士。




  Wangyi:Hi Anna and Andrew, this is SINA Fashion. Welcome both of you coming to China to announce the Theme of this year’s Met Gala and Exhibition. The topic "Chinese Whispers: Tales of the East in Art, Film and Fashion " is truly meaningful and thought provoking。

  王屹:Anna and Andrew你们好,我们是新浪时尚。欢迎你们来到中国,举办The Met Gala(纽约大都会博物馆)的盛大发布会。这次展览主题是“中国传说:东方艺术、电影和时尚的故事”这是如此有意义并令人深思。

  Wangyi:The topic "Chinese Whispers." is truly meaningful and thought provoking.What made you set the China theme?Why do you choose China as next years’ gala theme?


  AndrewI think it is quite a focus on chinaIntense focus, or more intense. So many designers achieve to show capsule collectionsin china, Chanel, DIOR, Valentino, etc. I wanted to really look into the history of fashion engagement with china, really from the present dating back through the early 17th century, and could be the ON-GOING dialogue between the east and the west. So that is the really focus of the exhibition


  Wangyi: (To Anna)Is this also your choice?


  Anna: No, it’s entirely the province of the Costume Institute and the curators. I am just here to support the museum and help organize the opening dinner。


  Wangyi: On this morning’s launch ceremony, the exhibition’s Art Director Wong Kar-wai interpreted the theme as the eastern moon in the western water. So you have a ny comment on that?

  王屹:在今天上午的启动仪式,展览的艺术总监王家卫诠释了主题 “镜花水月”。对此有何评论?

  Anna: He (Wong Kar-wai)is going to be the artist director of the exhibition and very involved with Andrew on the visual side of the show, one of the big part of the exhibition is the influence of Chinese film on fahion ,and he with Andrew put together some wonderful clips this morning。

  Just looking in that magnificent setting board, I think all of us there , you know how important the exhibition is going be and how influential Chinese flim has been on fashion designers worldwide for over 100 years。



  Andrew: I think Kar-wai particularly has such a poetic voice and his visual sense is so refined. <In the mood for Love> has a huge impact on western designers. So for us he was the obvious choice to be the art director of this exhibition


  Wangyi: Chinese Whispers is really an interesting term. It seems like there’s a concept of “misunderstanding” in it. Things usually turn more attractive because of distance and misunderstanding。


  Andrew: I think it’s more about “lost in translation”. Chinese Whispers was a British parlor game, which somebody would whisper a word or a sentence in somebody’s ear around circle by it’s time completely , it is lost in translation . So I think Chinese Whispers is in a way was looking the sort of the quite complex culture and attraction between east and west, for centuries. One of the examples I quote this morning about Chinese Whispers was Chinese blue and white porcelain(青花瓷), which began in Ming Dynasty ,and was exported to the west, the Netherlands. And gradually it was reinterpreted, and then reinterpreted to china. So it’s a great whisper, something you wish to do it. It was a very active dialogue between east and west. So initially we thought Chinese Whispers was an accurate title of the exhibition, but it proved quite difficult to convey that idea visually ,So we changed to “The Mirrors Through the Looking Glass" which held the same idea of being lost in translation, and will be a more easier term to understand。

  Anna: Little bit more concrete。




  Wangyi: Anna ,for you personally, from your perspective, to what degree the Chinese art, films, craftsmanship or its aesthetic tradition have inspired and influenced the Western artists and fashion designers?

  Anna: Well ,designers has been influenced by china for such a long time …


  Anna: 设计者被中国影响了很长一段时间.。。

  Andrew: The earlies piece we have is in late 17th century, but the dialogue was right back to the Roman Empire , with the export of Chinese silk to the west 。


  Anna: you know when it moved through to much current designers like Gautier Galliano McQueen.I think designers have always been influenced by China ,its romanticism and its fantasy. That’s what Andrew is going to explore in the exhibition. I am sure you’ll understand the exhibition is gonna take place throughout the Asian Gallery, so in a way that the costume themselves are going to be placed in this marvelous context: both art and objects and costume.

  Anna:目前很多设计师比如Jean Paul Gaultier、John Galliano、Alexander McQueen,etc。我觉得这些设计师都会从东方文化中汲取灵感,我认为设计师总是会被中国元素影响的,它那么浪漫那么梦幻。我想这也是Andrew在这次特展中想要探讨的主题,我相信你一定能了解这样的展览将在亚洲艺术馆举办,服装、器物、艺术品一并呈现,彼此交相辉映。

  Andrew: I think the most interesting part about that is, you can see that the Chinese objects offer a context ora sense of history to the Chinese fashion, and at the same time Chinese fashion offers another way accessing Chinese art. So this is a wonderful way the history of china sort of enlightening the present and the present enlightening the past. So it is a great dialogue between the past and the present, and between the east and the west


  Wangyi:The exhibition will also focus on images of Chinese women in movies. When we talk about Chinese women, what comes first in your mind?




  Wangyi: From those movies, we may see a sea change of the Chinese women in the past century, a shift from subordinated family-devoted role to a self-awakening individual gaining more and more social power. How feminism plays in this process?

  Andrew: I think both in the West and China, it’s all about the story of increasing emancipation of woman, it’s not a particularly story related in china, it’s all about the increasing freedom of women. I think one of the garments in the exhibition, particularly expresses of Chi-pao, which was a garment really a symbolism of modernism, a symbol of woman emancipation. That’s certainly something we discuss when it come to an element of the exhibition。



  Wangyi: What does feminism mean to fashion?  

  Anna: If you look at the history of fashion ,it reflects the history of women. there is no question whether it’s from the 20th ,the shape-change, or after post-war, again everything changed. Fashion never operates in a vacuum, It’s always in a historical context. That’s one of the most fascinating thing, it’s always about Andrew’s exhibition, they always tell a story, as fashion dose itself。

  You know fashion over the last many many years it’s reflected the change in woman’s life, their position , their independence。



  Wangyi: Anna, you have a worldwide influence on fashion and celebrity lives. How do you feel as a woman in such a big power?

  Anna: I don’t think it that way.I simply look on it that I am very lucky that I have such a fantastic platform, you know both with the museum and Condé Nast. I am therefore able to help people whether they work in fashion or in other areas. And I think that’s the most important thing for me that I am in a position able to help people。

  王屹:你在全球的时尚圈都颇具影响力 作为一个坐拥如此大权利的女人你感觉如何?


  Wangyi: Was fashion your childhood dream?

  Anna: I think I ‘ve always been interested in journalism .My father was a journalist , I come from a background of newspapers, so it was something that I was very interested in growing up. It grew from journalism and being able to explore also other different areas using the platform I am so lucky to have。



  Wangyi: You wanna say something to the young people hoping to enter the fashion world?

  Anna: I think it’s so encouraging to see how many students today at all the great fashion college are Chinese and how well they are all doing. What I find so exciting about that is the future fashion is gonna arise in this country. Because I see the interesting talent and dedication in those young students。



  Wangyi:I wish you a very successful gala and exhibition。


  Anna&Andrew :Thank you,of cause。


文章关键词: 安娜温图尔 美国大都会博物馆 Anna Wintour Andrew Bolton

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