
2014年04月30日11:27  时尚专栏  作者:gabrielle-in-北京   我有话说

  第一次遇见沙沙,是在她生日的时候。当时她正在芳草地等待她的朋友们,我呢,只是骑车路过……也许就是这么凑巧,一个回眸,一次相视,这个美丽的女孩儿让我跳下车子抓起相机,奔向她,丢下我的小儿子独自在车子旁啃面包。The first time I met Shasha, it was her birthday. She was waitingfor her friend at Park View Green and I was riding my bicycle whenI saw her. I took one look at this amazing girl and immediatelyjumped off my bike, letting my little boy hold the bread while Igrabbed my camera。

  她修长的双腿完美平衡了这件男人味十足的灰色夹克,让她看起来更加有风格、很酷、很可爱。她可爱的香槟包也是我的最爱,与她身上的红色系相得益彰。With her long legs perfectly balancing her severe masculine greyjacket she was stylish, cool and lovely.I also loved loved loved the cute "champagne" cooler she was usingas her bag. So perfect with her other red touches。

  这个包包实际上看起来更像是衣服香槟样式的画。It actually looked like a picture of a champagne。

  沙沙其实是我开始写这类博客的原因。世界对于中国风有自己的想法和偏见,但是不论是在巴黎还是纽约,沙沙的装扮绝对是受多追捧和称赞的。Shasha Han is the reason I started my blog. The world has an ideaof Chinese style, but hers would be perfect anywhere from Paris toNew York she would be cool。

  这是大约一周之后了,我再次有幸遇到她。远远地看到一个美丽女孩儿的身影,没有带眼镜的我只有走近了才认出这张熟悉的面庞。-你?她说-又是我!哇~你看起来太棒了!About a week later, I got lucky again. I saw this pretty girl fromfar, did not have my glasses so until I was so close to her I didnot recognise her.-You? she said-Me! and woaw you look amazing. Again。

  她Blue Boy的香奈儿指甲油与她的Celine上衣和Maison MartinMargiela包包完美搭配,性感而且经典。这倒是少有的结合。With her Blue Boy Chanel nailpolish perfectly matching her Celineshirt and the Maison Martin Margiela bag, she was both sexy andclassy. A rare combination。

  极致优雅。Perfect elegance. 

  这双Ann Demeulemeester的罗马鞋和这条百褶裙相互映衬。The gladiator shoes from Ann Demeulemeester were perfect with thefrilly skirt。

  她是我知道的第一个佩戴香奈儿单颗珍珠手链的女孩。与她Rick Owens的礼裙以及复古的香奈儿手包非常相配。She was the first I know to wear the single pearl bracelet byChanel. Perfectly matching her Rick Owens dress and the vintageChanel clutch。

  这是她在Lacoste派对上的运动行头。喜欢这个巴黎世家的包包。Sporty at the Lacoste Party. Loving the Balenciaga bag。

  “不要吃掉我!”这条幸运的小鳄鱼哭泣道。'Don't eat me" cried the lucky crocodile。

  很多女孩儿在她们的衣橱里摆满了单品,单品是最容易获得的东西,挑选、购买、佩戴。然而,很少有人懂得时尚语言。时尚是表达自我的一个非常有趣的方式,时尚有自己的代码,但是大多时候时尚就是与服装一起享受愉悦。沙沙就有这样的能力。可能就是“穿着玩儿”,但是这种玩法,让她chic异常~!Many girls have fashion items in their closets. It's one of theeasiest thing to have. Pick them, buy them, wear them. Very fewhave an understanding of fashion as a language. Fashion is a veryfun way to express oneself. There are codes but mostly it's abouthaving fun with the clothes.Shasha Han gets it.She dresses for fun, but she is always chic。

  即使是在三里屯遇见运动十足的她,她巴黎世家的战靴和独一无二的Goyard背包着实抢眼。Even when doing the "sporty spice" look in Sanlitun, with herBalenciage biker boots and the Exclusive Goyard backpack。

  香奈儿复古吊坠Chanel vintage pendant

  在北京的“小黑外套”活动上,当所有女孩儿门都身着香奈儿最新成衣的时候,只有她敢于尝试1980年代的复古香奈儿装扮,当然,她看起来美艳极了。At the Little Black Jacket event in Beijing, while all the girlswere wearing the latest Chanel clothes, only one dared the 1980vintage Chanel look. And she looked so great。

  沙沙的风格与众不同,她很优雅同时给人以舒适的感觉,她的美衣收藏让一起变得简单。她看起来不想是在衣柜前挣扎很久的人,简单的搭配塑造完美的自己。美丽,性感,可爱!Shasha style is different. She is elegant but mostly she alwaysseems to be comfortable, easy with her collection of great clothes.She does not look like she tries hard. Pretty, sexy andlovely。

  她是我最喜欢的北京女孩儿。感谢你亲爱的!迫不及待地想再次遇见你!你肯定又会抢眼无比……绝对的!My favorite beijinger. Thank you my dear for everything. and Ican't wait to see you soon.You will be dashing again... no doubt。

  看起来我不是她的风格的唯一仰慕者……P1同样中意沙沙的风格,这在三里屯的超大海报就是证明。I am not the only one that is seduced by her style... P1 InSanlitun had also dedicated a few images of their installation toShasha's style!Well done my dear。

  再次谢谢这位可爱的漂亮宝贝!希望尽快相见!你的粉丝BenedicteAnd thank you for everything Pretty Baby!See you soon, i hope.Your fanBenedicte


文章关键词: 时尚 潮女 香奈儿

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