传奇超模系列之Tatjana Patitz

2014年10月20日14:51  时尚专栏  作者:gabrielle-in-北京   我有话说


  第一弹:Tatjana Patitz



摄影师Herb Ritts镜头下的Tatjana Patitz

Photo of Tatjana Patitz by Herb Ritts  


  风向变幻。电影曾经用相貌平平的女星去赞扬力捧美好的生活和卓越的女性。电影女神如Ava Gardner,MarilynMonroe,Audrey Hepburn或ElisabethTaylor的时代已经过去,而且已经没有人再在电影院里浮想联翩。大多数时装模特们只在T台上颇受关注,也只有业内人士认得出她们的脸,但是随着时间的推移,其中一些平面模特开始被众人所知晓。

  Paris Fashion Week,1985.

  The wind were changing.Movies were praising the lives and beauty of'ordinary'women with actresses that looked average. The extremebeauty of movie goddesses like Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, AudreyHepburn or Elisabeth Taylor was gone and no one could look at thecinema to dream.  Fashion models were famousmostly on the catwalks and recognised only by the fashion industryinsiders, but little by little some of the magazine models werestarting to be known。

摄影师:Peter Lindbergh

Photo by Peter Lindbergh   


  The model industry was changing and the girlswere becoming stars.The phenomenon started mid-80s in Paris and Iwas there. At the time, I worked for Paris most famous designer,Azzedine Alaïa, and he was known for his body conscious fashionclothes that were perfect for the mood of Paris and New York:healthy and energetic fashion was what we wanted. ALAIA was famousfor hiring only the most beautiful girls in the world to presenthis collections。

Benedicte Bro女士拍摄(798艺术区映画廊展出,结束于10月30日)

Photo by Benedicte Bro (INTERGALLERY 798 BEIJING until10.30.14) 

  从八十年代中期到九十年代末,不论是从名声到容颜,没有一个女人可以超越出生于德国的Tatjana Patitz。

  NONE was ever more famous or more beautiful from the mid-80s to theend of the 90s than German-born Tatjana Patitz。

摄影大师:Nick Knight

Photo by Nick Knight  


  Tatjana was a phenomenon. In real life, she was polite, kindand a little shy. In pictures she was a goddess. A creature ofsurreal beauty would emerge from the films and mesmerize all thebest photographer。

  而今我却很难一一分辨时尚界所谓的摄影大师的作品。在90年代,Bruce Weber,Richard Avedon, Nick Knight, Peter Lindbergh, Irving Penn, HelmutNewton和Herb Ritts都有着高辨识度的风格,而且他们都非常喜欢和Tatjanapatitz一起工作。

  Today I find it difficult to identify thework of the various photographers that are considered famous in thefashion industry. In the 90s, Bruce Weber, Richard Avedon, NickKnight, Peter Lindbergh, Irving Penn, Helmut Newton or Herb Rittsall had a very distinctive style and all loved working with theferal beauty of Tatjana。

摄影师:Benedicte Bro(展览正在798映画廊展出)

Photo by Benedicte Bro (INTERGALLERY 798 BEIJING until10.30.14)   

  TatjanaPatitz曾经是改变时尚界的Vogue英国版封面的第一代超模之一。Naomi Campbell,Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Christie Turlington和TatjanaPatitz随后被超级流行歌手George Michael邀请拍摄名为“FREEDOM!'90”的音乐录影带。

  TatjanaPatitz was part of the original SUPERMODELS that were picked forthe iconic UK Vogue cover that changed the industry. NaomiCampbell, Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Christie Turlingtonand Tatjana Patitz were then invited to be a part of thedecade-defining video of FREEDOM!'90 by popstar GeorgeMichael。

摄影师:Peter Lindbergh

Photo by Peter Lindbergh   


  Today, all the other models are still working and in the limelight,but Tatjana who was always bored modelling retired quietly。


  She raises her son in her Californian ranch along with many horseswhich are her true passion。


  She is still one of the world's most beautiful woman。

  摄影师Herb Ritts拍摄的,头戴面纱的TatjanaTatjana Veiled head by Herb Ritts


  This is the first part of the FASHION LEGENDS serie. Please comeback soon for the next chapter.A bientot


文章关键词: 传奇 超模 Tatjana

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