第六弹:Lynne Koester
About lynne Koester I know almost nothing. Not my fault. She was abeautiful, tall, androgynous and very cool supermodel in the late80s and early 90s. I met her probably in 1985 but she was also abit scary and very intimidating when I took her pictures in theminuscule Azzedine Alaïa cabine。
Ican't even remember ever talking to her, and yet the images that Ihave found of her in my archives are allincredible。
To set the record straight about this serie about Supermodels fromthe past, I would say that I do not feel like those images are"mine" really. What I really feel is that they are the witness ofan area that is past. One era where supermodels had all differentlooks and personalities and it was impossible to mistake one foranother。
Lynne was definitely unique.She still is。
Androgynous models are a rarity in fashion. The American-bornKoester was very androgynous, probably shy because i remember thatshe kept to herself but in the ultra-feminine world of the Alaiacatwalk, she definitely brought a different energy. One that was atonce super cool and yet very strong, very feminine。
Photo by PeterLindbergh.
超模世界无疑是被极度女人味儿的女战士们所占领:CindyCrawford, Claudia Schiffer, Helena Christensen, Naomi Campbell,Tatjana Patitz, Linda Spieriengs, StephanieSeymour....。。就在KateMoss让她们成为过去式之前,Lynne可以说是这性感女战士的世界里一个独特的平衡。
The supermodel world was packed with ultra-feminine amazons: CindyCrawford, Claudia Schiffer, Helena Christensen, Naomi Campbell,Tatjana Patitz, Linda Spieriengs, Stephanie Seymour... and rightbefore Kate Moss made them all obsolete, Lynne was there as aspecial balance to that world of sexy amazons。
In this picture by Peter Lindbergh shot in 1988,Cindy, Linda, a model I don't know and Lynne are meant to be theBeatles, yet the only one that does not look silly in drag is LynneKoester. The intellectual, androgynoussupermodel。
Photo by Bénédicte Bro-Cassard
WhatI love about the images of Lynne that I have is how beautiful, howstriking she is, and in that picture above, there is avulnerability that I am not sure I ever felt in herpresence. Except perhapsonce:
Models between shows weredoing their makeup, calling their agents or they boyfriends, butmost simply took naps. Lynne is asleep, like a baby, between theshoes boxes, under Azzedine's desk, with her coat as her pillow.Super sweet no?
现在Lynne以超级男模Paolo Anchisi的母亲的身份被大家所熟知。她的儿子PaolpAnchisi以他“年轻的汤姆克鲁兹”面孔在时尚界家喻户晓。L'Officiel Homme去年在欧洲做了一期关于LynneKoester和她的儿子的整个系列。
TodayLynne is mostly known as the mother of one of the world rare MaleSupermodel。Her son Paolo Anchisi is known inthe fashion world for his almost "young Tom Cruise" beautiful face.Recently l'Officiel Homme in Europe did a whole serie about the momand her son。
好吧,他很美。但是我还是认为她的母亲更胜一筹。Well, he is quite beautiful. But I still thinkhis mom was more special.Abientotb