
2015年05月06日16:54  时尚专栏  作者:洪晃   我有话说

  文|新浪专栏 风尚标 洪晃ilook


  王家卫讲话:中国:镜花水月 开幕式


  大家好,欢迎大家來参加美国大都会博物馆主办的“中国‧镜花水月”這個展览的开幕。在过去一年,对我个人來說是难忘的经验,通过检视东西方文化过去一百多年的交流,我能总结的一句話是 - 繁花满眼。



  It’s an honor for me to be here today to celebrate the opening of CHINA: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Putting together this exhibition has been a truly remarkable ourney for myself and everyone involved.

  Our creative team was comprised of experts across various disciplines including fine art, fashion and cinema. Together we hope to offer you a collective perspective that is both challenging and provocative.

  I would like to personally thank several important individuals who made this all possible; namely my gracious collaborator Andrew Bolton as well as Nathan Crowley, William Chang, Philippe Le Sourd, Wu Tong and my teams in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Paris and here in New York.

  One of the most fascinating parts of this process for me personally was having the chance to revisit Western perspectives of the East through the lens of early Hollywood.

  Whether it was Fred Astaire playing a fan dancing Chinese man or Anna May Wong in one of her signature dragon lady roles, it’s safe to say the vast majority of these depictions were far from authentic.

  Unlike their filmmaking contemporaries, the fashion designers and tastemakers of that period took these distorted images as inspiration and went on to create a Western aesthetic with a new layer of meaning that was uniquely its own.

  In this exhibition we do not shy away from these images because they are historical fact and their own reality. Instead we will look for areas of commonality and appreciate the beauty that abounds.

  With CHINA: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, we have tried our best to encapsulate over a century of cultural interplay between the East and the West that has equally inspired and informed.

  It is a celebration of fashion, cinema and creative liberty.

  It's an important time in human history for cross cultural dialogue and I am proud and delighted to contribute to the conversation.

  编辑|于萍 实习生|马越


文章关键词: 中国 镜花水月 fashion

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